Over his years of observing, researching, studying, and writing about the Santa Fe,
Frank Ellington has amassed a large collection of "snippets:" old newspaper articles,
Railroad Gazette items, reports, and the like that relate to the Santa Fe in one way or
another. The snippets are snapshots of Santa Fe history as it happened over the course
of the last century and a half. In the interest of making this information available
to others, Mr. Ellington has put some of the snippets into electronic form for display
on this web site. The snippets are arranged (in a manner of speaking) into the general
categories below. Some items will inevitably be applicable to more than one category,
but an effort will be made to put them where they are most appropriate. New items will
be added periodically; they will be placed at the top of the appropriate category. Mr.
Ellington welcomes your comments - his e-mail address is fmelngtn@netins.net.